Immigration law

RettAdvokat has extensive experience of assisting clients in cases concerning the right to residence in Norway. We have assisted clients from more than 80 different countries. In addition to detailed knowledge of Norwegian and international provisions on foreign nationals’ legal position, we have also acquired extensive knowledge about the political and social situation in a number of different countries and regions.

Two of our lawyers are on the official list of asylum lawyers and are regularly appointed counsel in cases concerning the right to asylum/protection. In asylum cases, we have particularly wide-ranging experience of cases concerning minor asylum seekers, converts and women’s rights. We also have extensive experience of cases concerning exclusion from the right to refugee status.

RettAdvokat regularly assists in cases concerning expulsion or revocation of permits, and we can assist clients in family reunification cases.

For Norwegian employers who need foreign labour, we can help to provide guidance in the application process.

In some immigration law cases, the clients are entitled to free legal aid. Cases concerning petitions for reversal, family reunification or work permits, for example, will usually not entitle the client to free legal aid. We always inform the client in advance whether the case is eligible for free legal aid.

Child and family law

Child and family law

In disputes between parents and in child welfare cases, our focus is to help to find a solution in the best interest of the child.

Counsel for victims of crime

Counsel for victims of crime

Victims of certain types of crime are entitled to free legal representation.

Child Protection

Child Protection

RettAdvokat have extensive experience in representing clients in child protection cases.

Free legal aid

Free legal aid

People with limited financial resources may be entitled to legal assistance covered through the public legal aid scheme.

Inheritance law and planning

Inheritance law and planning

RettAdvokat offers good and reasonable assistance with inheritance settlement and planning.

Immigration law

Immigration law

We assist foreign nationals who apply for residence in Norway on the grounds of asylum/protection, family reunification or work.