Child and family law

Our lawyers have extensive experience of child and family law cases. In family cases, we mainly assist parents in cases concerning parental responsibility, child custody and access rights. When a relationship breaks down, the level of conflict between the parties is often high, and solution-oriented assistance is therefore important. Our focus in these cases is always to help to find a solution in the best interest of the child.

RettAdvokat’s lawyers also assist in child welfare cases and regularly argue cases before the County Social Welfare Board (Fylkesnemnda). This typically concerns cases where children have been taken into care by the child welfare service.

We also have expertise in child abduction cases, and have represented parents both in cases where children living abroad are abducted to Norway and where children living in Norway are taken out of the country without the consent of the other parent. RettAdvokat is on the Ministry of Justice and Public Security’s list of law firms with special expertise in and knowledge of child abduction.

RettAdvokat also provide assistance in connection with separation and divorce applications and financial settlements between former spouses and cohabitants.
In many cases concerning child and family law, you may be entitled to free legal aid.

Child and family law

Child and family law

In disputes between parents and in child welfare cases, our focus is to help to find a solution in the best interest of the child.

Counsel for victims of crime

Counsel for victims of crime

Victims of certain types of crime are entitled to free legal representation.

Child Protection

Child Protection

RettAdvokat have extensive experience in representing clients in child protection cases.

Free legal aid

Free legal aid

People with limited financial resources may be entitled to legal assistance covered through the public legal aid scheme.

Inheritance law and planning

Inheritance law and planning

RettAdvokat offers good and reasonable assistance with inheritance settlement and planning.

Immigration law

Immigration law

We assist foreign nationals who apply for residence in Norway on the grounds of asylum/protection, family reunification or work.