Rikke practices law in a variety of legal fields, mainly family and children’s law, child welfare law and immigration law. In addition she works as a counsel for victims of violence.
Rikke Vittersten
Kristine Aarre Hånes2024-09-14T14:16:50+02:00Rikke er advokatfullmektig i RettAdvokat. Hun har tidligere erfaring fra Ung Rettshjelp. Rikke tar oppdrag som bistandsadvokat for voldsofre og arbeider også med utlendingsrett, barnevernrett og barne- og familierett.
Hilde Cecilie Matre
Jannikke2024-09-14T14:12:45+02:00Hilde Cecilie is lawyer and partner in RettAdvokat. She has extensive experience as counsel for victims of violence and also deals with cases in child and family law and child welfare law.
Sofie Bratt
Jannikke2024-09-14T14:15:43+02:00Sofie is an associate lawyer in RettAdvokat. She is working closely with our experienced lawyers mainly within the field of children's and family law, immigration law and as counsel for victims of crime.
Karoline Lossius Højklint
Jannikke2024-09-14T14:15:08+02:00Karoline is a lawyer in RettAdvokat. She is mainly working with child and family law and as counsel for victims of violence in criminal law cases.
Linda Sørfonn Moe
Jannikke2024-09-14T14:13:38+02:00Linda works mainly as counsel for victims of violence, and with children- and family law. Linda also works in the area of labor law, and the child welfare system.
Stine Antonie Aksnes Aarli
Jannikke2024-09-14T14:14:37+02:00Stine works mainly as counsel for victims of violence and within the area of children and family law and immigration law.
Kristine Aarre Hånes
Jannikke2024-09-14T14:32:01+02:00Kristine is Managing Partner of RettAdvokat. As lawyer she specialises in working with victims of violence and human trafficking and also deals with cases in the area of immigration law and child and family law.
Stine Antonie Aksnes Aarli
Jannikke2024-09-14T14:14:29+02:00Stine er ansatt advokat og arbeider mest som bistandsadvokat for voldsofre og med arverett, barne- og familierett. Hun tar også oppdrag innen andre fagfelt.
Linda Sørfonn Moe
Jannikke2024-09-14T14:13:51+02:00Linda er ansatt advokat og arbeider mest som bistandsadvokat for voldsofre og med barne- og familierett. Linda tar også oppdrag innen utlendingsrett, psykisk helsevern og barnevernrett.